After a month of indulging in my self pity and regret, I've decided that I need an attitude check. No longer can I be the girl who regrets choosing Berkeley because "its too hard, I just can't do it" and now I'm going to be the one saying "Berkeley, pshhh, it ain't got shizzz on me. I own that school!" Yup. Word for word, foo! I mean, why waste time feeling sorry for yourself when you can use that time to be more productive and enjoy the next four years, the so called "last four years for you to get your shit together." I want to make it count; to make memories that'll make me laugh again when I'm 80 years old and looking back on my golden (and blue) years. So I've decided that, for the next week, I'm only going to think positive things. Ta taaa Negative Nancy, you've been my frenemy for far too long! I'm going to be an upbeat, glass half full kind of gal from here on out! Astronomy midterm in 13 hours, NO BIG DEAL! Even though I haven't studied or even looked at the book because I was at the Maroon 5/OneRepublic, Ry Cummings concert (which I'm definitely posting on later), oh well, there's simply no time like the present! Time to get to work!
Studying for my astronomy midterm at 5AM (and only 8 more hours until the midterm) with no complaints! To go along with my recent self improvement wants, I've decided that my shopping addiction stops right here. Cold turkey. No more shoes, shirts, skirts, dresses, bags, socks, pants, robes, NOTHING. I'm not allowed to purchase any form of clothing (minus items for my halloween costume and things I see that are dirt cheap) from now until the end of the month. This shopping addiction is really taking a toll on my bank account and that is just not okiedokie anymore. End rant, back to reading about black body radiation and the atmosphere of Mars! toodaaaalooo mothaaafuckaaaasss!
Since this is such a text heavy post, here's a little something something to feast your eyes upon! This is my home, my casa, my town for the next four (hopefully not five or six) years. It's definitely growing on me and I'm starting to realize the complex beauty that is Berkeley. I honestly can't imagine going anywhere else (no matter how much I say I can).
hello, I used to blog-walking on your blog
nive to read here about anything you posted
It would be nice if you would like to be my friend :)