Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It's been a while since I've done one of these, so much for consistency, oopsies! But it's better this way anyways, it's like a WHAM-POW-SURPRISE! You'll never even see it coming, it'll just be here, HA-HAAA! And honestly, who doesn't love surprises? I know I do, I love love love them! Just totally talked my way out of being a lazy fartbag. It's an awesome skill, what can I say?!

1. I like butter! On bread...well that's about it but it's scrumptious and makes my tummy happy happy happy!
2. I can trip over ANYTHING; flat cement, going up and down stairs, chair legs, my own two feet, anything. Try me, I've probably done it. NO SHAME, BRING IT ON!
3. My favorite flowers are orchids, tiger lilies, and yellow roses. Bring me some and I'll love you forevaaaz and EVAAAAZ.
4. I've gone through 2 phones in the matter of 4 weeks.When am I ever going to learn that drunk Anisa+cellular device=BAD BAD BAD IDEA!? Hopefully 3rd times the charm!
5. I don't know WHY I do this but I'm either too lazy to open my eyes fully or just dumb but I don't. So I always look high, constantly, ALL THE TIME. In pictures, in person, on skype, on the phone (teehee, KIDDING! Keeping you guys on your toes!) I am a student at Berkeley...I guess if the shoe fits! ;)


  1. hahaha you and butter. weirdooooo jk <3 i should do one of these weekly things for my blog just so i post more haha
    and i would like to refer to our skype picture for #5. you high mothafuckaaa ;)

  2. I love tiger lilies as well! They are so beautiful! And yikes, your third phone, lol. ;) Hope your week is going great so far!

  3. So adorable. My best friend's the same with phone's but SOBER. That's a bit worse. x hivennn

  4. Lovely photos and like the way you've caught your hair!

  5. you look so cute in those photos!! haha it's almost like your smile is contagious! aannd poor cellphones! LOL

  6. I love that the first thing on this is that you like butter. I'm mildly obsessed with it myself, so I can completely agree with that statement and that fact that it does belong in first place on a list like this :)


Go ahead. Leave a comment. I dare you. I double dare you. I triple doggy dare you. HA! I also quadruple doggy dog dare you to follow me as well! (I'll love you forever and evaazz if you do!)