Fall has finally graced its presence on little Berkeley. Some kids here are freaking out over the "coldness" and such, but I'm fine, this is my favorite kind of weather. Slightly cold, slightly cloudy, slightly blissful; it all culminates into such a beautiful and incredible feeling. It makes me feel so alive. Better yet, it's sweater time, yay! 2 weeks and 1 day left until winter break; a month of freedom to do nothing, to do anything, to do everything. I'm so excited. I just need to get through a week of classes, RRR week (a free week to study for finals), and the deaded finals. UGH.

After some soul searching, I realize that I have absolutely no freaking idea what the hell I'm going to do once I graduate. I know it's normal for a freshman and all, or any college student, but I usually like to have some plan, a goal, an idea of some sort. So, I'm slightly, kinda, sorta FREAKING THE FUCK OUT! ASDFJKL;

Right now the sun is setting and it's turning the sky into swirls of pink and purple. It's purrtyy and it makes me want cotton candy. Damn stupid post-Thanksgiving guilt diet, you're killing me!

ruffly tank: urban outfitters ($20)
black zara sweater: via internet
levis shorts: buffalo's exchange ($7.50)
grey ribbon thigh highs: f21 ($7)
minnetonka moccasins: crossroads ($12)
HUGE beige scarf: f21 ($10)
P.S. Meet Lawrence, the huge elephant my BB4LZ Laura got me as an early Christmas present! My floor already loves him a ridiculous amount, he even has a play date with Mr. Fou Fou (no joke!).
Also, I wanted to give a huge thank you with internet flowers and balloons to Kathleen over at Inspirafashion for giving me the "Stylish Blogger" Award. You're such a sweetheart, classmate!
So, following the rules of the award:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award- Thank you Kathleen! I appreciate it sooo much! You're too kind!
2. Tell 7 facts about yourself:
#1. I prefer night over day. I'm such a night owl, I rarely sleep before 3AM. I tend to do my best thinking around that time so I always study after midnight.
#2. I've seen A Walk to Remember over 40 times, I went a little crazy over one summer and I watched it every single day for a month. Yeah, I'm kind of obsessive at times.
#3. I prefer pancakes over waffles. It's fluffy like clouds! (Or so I'd imagine!)
#4. People tend to think I'm high maintenance because I like to dress up but I'm completely the opposite. I'm low maintenance, like low low low to the floo floo floo, yeah that low.
#5. I'm so scared of snakes. I've had nightmares about them to the point where I'll wake up in a sweat. Even snakes in books freak me the fuck out!
#7. I'm in a teeny bopper music phase. I have no idea why, if someone can, get me out of it? PLEASE? Blasting Mandy Moore in a dorm room is slightly embarrassing right? NAH, I'm not embarrassed at all, I LOVE IT! But the rest of the floor...especially the guys...not so much.

3. Pay it forward to 7 bloggers you adore and contact them to let them know they've been chosen.
sweaters and short shorts and scarves. the ONLY way to spend spring/autumn.
ReplyDeletelove your pics! adorable!
ReplyDeletethanks for the comment and hope you can find some vintage clothing you like soon!
Love those moccasins! Try and not freak out about not knowing what to do post-college. You still have a few years to go wild before the real world begins :) Live it up, my blogger friend.
Glocal Girl
ReplyDeleteglisters and blisters
First off, thank you so much for passing on the award to me. I really appreciate it <3
ReplyDeleteSecondly, I am def. one of those Cal students who hates, hates, hates the cold weather. But i do think winter wear is a lot cuter, so that's one thing I can tolerate. You look so flippin' adorable in your cozy clothes too!
xo Sherrie
herro fool! i stalk you. your blogger buds prob think i'm a creeper from this comment heh heh SO BE IT.
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet! Thank you for your comment and for the blogger award!! Donnnn't freak out about life after college (even though it's way normal). Really, that's when it all really begins. You freak out about graduating, you freak out at graduation, you freak out after graduation, and then once you think you are done freaking out, you freak out some more, and then it all falls into place. Really, it does. The plans that we make while we're in college, rarely pan out as planned. While I'm still in my post-grad-freak-out phase, I know it's all coming together :)
ReplyDeleteAND, maybe the last four years in LA have weakened my bay area body, but I am not at all enjoying this weather. I am so cold, my poor little body can't take it! :O
It's absolutely freezing down her in San Diego, too. I think California is going through some sort of super ice coldness phase, which is terrible because I can't stand the cold (but I know that some people from the east coast would say that this type of weather is nothing compared to what they go through, haha.
ReplyDeleteAnd you look so adorable in your outfit. I love your shoes and knee highs.
And by the way, please don't freak out over your future - like you said, you're still a Freshman. You still have a year and a half to sort through this confusion - don't stress yourself out! As cheesy as it sounds, try to be as optimistic as possible and force yourself to believe that whatever is meant to happen will happen.
And I have a elephant stuffed animal, too! Haha, but I'm not in love with them like you are ;) And there's nothing wrong with listening to teeny bopper music. Some Backstreet Boys or Savage Garden never hurt anyone before =)
- Sharon
Your blog is so cute, I love your quirky humor! A great style, loving the knee socks and warm scarf!
ReplyDeleteXo Chelle
Gosh I love that adorable large elephant! Its so cute :)
ReplyDeleteLove the grey knee highs...perfect touch!