I've been in college for a good 2 months already, so I'm obviously a veteran and an expert, so I would like to share with you what I've learned in college thus far.
Shall we begin?
We shall!
1. You pick up your floormates habits. I started saying their phrases and imitate their facial expressions and what not. All the socal kids should stop resisting hella and just go with the flow, JUST SAYING!
2. DC (Dining Commons) food gets boring REAL fast and I swear the quality of food went down hill as well.
3. Bear Market will be your BFF (if you live in unit 3) when you're dying of hunger/thirst/candy at 1:52 AM. It's close and it takes points so it's basically free food!
4. A coed bathroom really is NBD. So what if you see a couple of butts when the guys pee with the door open? NBD. And facial/mustache hair in the sink, totally NBD.
5. Elevators are reserved for 4th floor and up. If you're floors 1-3 and you're not carrying a load of laundry or boxes, TAKE THE FUCKING STAIRS! Or be prepared to be silently and not so subtly judged. Or, better yet, not so silently coerced by the upper floors who have to wait for days while the elevator creaks up and stops at EVERY SINGLE floor.
6. Never do laundry on a Sunday afternoon. People literally wait there and pounce on any and all open machines. It's a dog eat dog world out there!
7. The elevators can be the most awkward place...EVER. Going from 5th floor to ground floor takes about 5 minutes and sometimes those 5 minutes seem to drag on for days and days.
8. Living close to campus is amazing! Do I care if my buildings older if I get the luxury of being able to wake up 15 minutes before classes start and still make it 5 minutes early? NOPE!
9. Bonding with your floormates can make all the difference. I love my floormates, I honestly would have no friends if it wasn't for them. I'm supppaaa blessed to have met such amazing people here. COOL.
10. Professors do not think you take any other class besides theirs which results in an exuberant amount of reading that is impossible to finish in a 2 day period. IMPOSSIBLE.
11. Floorcest and buildingcest (hooking up within your floor or building) is a terrible idea because I can guarantee that you will see them everywhere! In the lounge, in the halls, in the lobby, in the elevator, in the dining commons, on campus, and everywhere else on campus. It's inevitable.
12. Midterms are SRS BIZNESS.
13. Monsters and coffees are your BFFs during midterm season.
14. There is always drunk people outside your windows at night. GUARANTEED. It's almost always someone's birthday or fights happening. As I type, there's a loud fight occurring and it's 2:14 AM. GREAT.
15. Making friends in college is not easy. I don't mean friends that you wave at when you see or grab lunch together occasionally. I mean real friends that you can tell everything to. It's not an easy task to do in a school of 35,000. I thought it would be easy but I was proved wrong.
16. Procrastination is what kills you with school work. Living in a dorm where your friends are all outside your door is both a blessing and a curse. No one ever gets any work done here. But you always have someone to eat lunch with or talk to.
17. Partying get olds. Fast. After a month of partying every weekend, I'm already wary of it. It's always the same; the same people, the same drinks, the same music, the same frats. A better Saturday night is just a simple cozy night in with my friends. With people I care about and create memories I'll remember in the morning. I'm such an old lady. Oh well.
18. Freshmen 15 is real and it happens when you least expect it. The gym is both the enemy and the best friend. Such a bittersweet relationship.
19. Theres a lot to do at any given time. Especially in a college town like Berkeley, there is always something to do, you just have to be open to it.
20. Watch what you say and what you do, because it WILL come back and haunt you. Promise.
A little photo relief for a very text heavy post.
Sounds about right. Dreading finals week :(
Being a possible psych major, this made me chuckle quite a bit. Probably too much.
This is so ridiculously and hilariously true.
HMMM I chose social life and enough sleep. WAIT NO, good grades and enough sleep? NO NO NO good grades and a social life...YEAAA, I can deal with that...right? Yeahhh, probably not.
So apparently this is actually a picture of the Berkeley library. Someone
reallyyy wanted to get a spot in the library alright.
YUP, LOOKS ABOUT RIGHT. Although, I do believe there should be less blue and more red.
LOVE THIS. And it's true. Ramen parties reign supreme. Ask anyone and I'm almost positive they'll agree.